Port Saint Lucie First time and returning homebuyer workshop-
Lender focus on VA/USDA loans-
Valuable information on Loans and Programs for First Time Home Buyers- Returning to Market after foreclosure buyers,
Veterans, Teachers, Law Enforcement, Nurses, Firefighters.
Experienced Lenders and agents that will help you get qualified for a loan.
We know how to get you money for downpayments and how to navigate you through bond and grants.
PSL Community Center- 2195 SE Airoso Blvd
FREE - Reservations recommended. Reserve at link below or call us at 772-444-6696
NOTE: If you can't make it to this workshop we hold them quarterly
but are also available and happy to do a one on one consultation at any time and email you all the workshop materials.
Burlace Team- Kevin & Dawn Burlace, Realtors®
Kevin Cell - 772-444-6695 burlaceteam@gmail.com
Dawn Cell - 772-444-6696 dawnburlace@gmail.com